cattle grazing

Grazing Workshop: Transitioning to Spring Pasture

Online Zoom Meeting – Free to Attend
Topics covered appropriate for Dairy, Beef, Sheep and Goats

Tuesday, April 28, 7:00 to 8:00 pm
Transitioning Your Livestock to Spring Pasture
  • Pasture Readiness Checklist
  • Why transitioning from stored feeds to early spring pasture is necessary from the livestock perspective
  • How spring pasture management decisions set the stage for the rest of the grazing season
    • Impacts to pasture health and production for the grazing season
    • Impacts to rotation management
  • Transitioning Tips
Class is a live presentation using Zoom. Participants can interact with the presenter (Rich Toebe) through the Chat feature. 
To join, Use one of the buttons below.
You may also join the audio by phone – call +1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID:  938 6523 4267
Join the Meeting (just before 7pm)
Pre-register (You’ll get a PDF of the presentation and a reminder email the night of)
Not Familiar with Zoom Meetings? 
Zoom meetings can be accessed on computers, tablets, or your smartphone
The first time you connect, you may be asked to download the Zoom app.
Rich can walk you through the process of connecting to a Zoom Meeting.
Email Rich Toebe at for help