sWhat is IPM?
IPM stands for Integrated Pest Management. It is a system for managing pest problems using a range of safe, least-toxic methods. IPM is integrated because it uses biological, organic, cultural, mechanical and chemical options for managing pest problems.For more information on the basics of IPM strategies, visit Cornell University’s IPM in a Nutshell page .
Diagnostic Services
Samples of insects, weeds, and potential invasive species may be brought to our office in Hamden for identification. If necessary, samples can be sent to Cornell University for identification, at a charge of $25/sample. Please read this information about how to submit an insect sample to The Cornell University Insect Diagnostic Laboratory.
Useful Links
Cornell publications with crop and pest management guidelines.
New York State Integrated Pest Management – IPM publications, tools and resources for vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, lawns and field crops. Fact sheets also address IPM concerns for Buildings & Schools (including extensive fact sheets on bedbugs); Nursery, Greenhouse & Christmas Trees; and Landscapes, Parks & Golf Courses.