seeds sprouting

Help for Gardeners

The CCE Delaware Horticulture program provides support and services that can help home gardeners with a variety of gardening challenges.


Delaware County residents can call our office at 607-865-6531 with gardening questions or concerns.  The horticulturist or a Master Gardener Volunteer on will respond to your call as soon as possible.  You can also email questions to Carla Crim at

Soil Testing Services

You can obtain pH and texture soil tests through CCE Delaware. Download a soil testing fact sheet and instructions for taking a soil sample before bringing your sample to CCE Delaware for pH testing.

Insect, Disease or Plant Identification

Samples of insects, weeds, and potential invasive species may be brought to our office in Hamden for identification. If necessary, samples can be sent to Cornell University for identification, at a charge of $25/sample. Please read this information about how to submit an insect sample to The Cornell University Insect Diagnostic Laboratory.

Seed Saving Resources

For more information on saving seeds and a list of organizations that promote seed saving, seed production and plant breeding, go to Cornell University’s resource page on all things seedy!