youth presenting his steer to potential buyers at the 4-H livestock auction from inside the ring

4-H Livestock Auction

The 4-H Livestock Auction at the Delaware County Fair will be on Saturday, August 16, 2025 starting at 2pm. 

The 4-H Livestock Auction Project areas include beef cattle, meat goats, sheep, and swine.


Auction Animal Registration Deadline

Auction Registration Form 2025 – Click Here 

Registration deadlines are final.  Auction registration forms will not be accepted after these dates.  No exceptions, as directed by the 4-H Program Issue Committee.

  1. Beef Cattle – Owned and Registered for auction by January 6, 2025; non-auction beef, owned by June 15th
  2. Meat Goats Owned and Registered for auction by May 16, 2024; non-auction goats, owned by June 15th
  3. Sheep Owned and Registered for auction by May 16, 2024; non-auction sheep, owned by June 15th
  4. SwineOwned and Registered for auction by May 16, 2024; non-auction swine, owned by June 15th

Tag Pick-Up

The 2024 Tag Pick-Up Event will be on: Friday, May 16, 2024

Picking up tags does not constitute registration.  The registration form (blue form) is available at the link above, at the tag pick-up event, and at the 4-H / CCE office in Hamden.

Auction Project Records

4-H Livestock Auction Project Records will be accepted up until 5 pm on Monday of fair week.  No exceptions, as directed by the 4-H Livestock Advisory Committee.  If records are not received by 5 pm, the animal(s) will be entered into a non-auction class and disqualified from the auction.

Completing the Project Record will help you in determining a minimum bid for your animal and is a great learning tool.

Rubin Livestock Scholarship

Any 4-Her who purchases and registers a sheep or meat goat for the 2023 4-H Livestock Auction is eligible to apply for a $250 reimbursement for the cost of their project animal. The application is due on May 19, 2023. You can download the form here or email 4-H Staff to request a paper copy be mailed to you. 

Fair Week Schedule of Events


  • 1 pm – Weigh-in of 4-H Market Animals Begins
  • 5 pm – 4-H Auction Animal Project Records Due to the 4-H Program Helper


  • 10 am – 4-H Weigh-in Auction Animals/Livestock Barn


  • 2 pm – 4-H Livestock Auction/Livestock Show Ring

For more questions or additional information, contact the 4-H Office or 4-H Staff.

(607) 865-6531