4-Hers sew anything from a duffle bag to a complete outfit. In the spring, completed sewing projects are brought in and evaluated by judges. 4-Hers, age 13 years or older, who have constructed or purchased a complete garment (blouse and skirt or jacket, pants and blouse, etc.) are eligible to go on to the State Fair Fashion Revue, but must be evaluated in Hamden to qualify. Judges will decide following evaluations who will go on to State Fair, but the winners will not be announced until the evening of the Spring Fling (Fashion Revue).
Sewing Machine Rentals
The 4-H department has six sewing machines. These machines are available for loan to be used for two weeks at a time for 4-H projects. The charge to borrow them is $5 for two weeks to help with the cost of upkeep on them. If you would like to borrow these machines, contact the Extension Office.
4-H Sewing Resources
Visit 4h.org for some curriculum ideas or contact our office for the following: Purchased Clothing Project; Sewing Evaluation Paperwork; Creative Design Score Sheet; Quilt/Quilted Item Score Sheet.
For more information, contact the 4-H Office or 4-H Staff
(607) 865-6531