seven youth posing with their dogs and adult mentors

Dog Program

Delaware County 4-H Dog Program is the place for your furry best friend to participate! We offer dog obedience, agility, showing, demonstrations, and fun dog games too.

Basic Dog Obedience

This is a six-week course. Next dates are TBA

Requirements to participate are:

  1. Must be an enrolled 4-H member or leader
  2. Dog must be 6 months of age or older
  3. Dog’s vaccinations must be up-to-date (required vaccines: Rabies; DHLPP)
  4. Notify Extension office of any special needs/concerns of any kind that you feel that we need to know about the youth or dog
  5. Your dog must get along with other dogs and people; and show ‘no aggressive’ behavior
  6. Submit with your registration form, a current copy of your dog’s veterinarian paperwork, and Acknowledgment of Risk form (copy of registration form & Acknowledgment of Risk form below)

Intro to Dog Agility

This is a six-week course. Next dates are TBA

Requirements to participate are:

  1. 4-H member/dog must have basic dog obedience training
  2. Must be an enrolled 4-H member or leader
  3. Dog’s vaccinations must be up-to-date (required vaccines: Rabies; DHLPP)
  4. Notify Extension office of any special needs/concerns of any kind that you feel we need to know about the youth or dog
  5. Your dog must get along with other dogs and people; and show ‘no aggressive’ behavior
  6. Submit with your application a current copy of your dog’s veterinarian paperwork and Acknowledgment of Risk form
  7. Submit with your registration form, a current copy of your dog’s veterinarian paperwork, and Acknowledgment of Risk form (copy of registration form & Acknowledgment of Risk form below)

For more information, contact the 4-H Office or 4-H Staff

(607) 865-6531