The first COVID-19 vaccines have arrived in NYS, but due to limited supply from the federal government, availability is limited. More and more New Yorkers will become eligible as the vaccine supply increases. While the vaccination process is underway, every New Yorker should continue to wear a mask, social distance, and avoid small and large gatherings.
Two vaccines have been authorized by the FDA and approved by New York State’s independent COVID-19 Clinical Advisory Task Force: One that was developed by Pfizer and BioNTech and another that was developed by Moderna. Both vaccines require two doses.
New York State has developed an ‘Am I Eligible’ screening tool to help determine if you are eligible for the vaccine and assist you in scheduling your vaccination appointment. Please note that all vaccinations are by appointment only.
Learn more about New York State’s COVID-19 vaccination plan, along with distribution sites, here:
Additional COVID-19 Resources:
The Institute for Food Safety at Cornell University offers weekly COVID-19 video updates available in both English and Spanish. Subscribe to their YouTube channel for up-to-date information on COVID-19: